More Sexy Movies to View

These will be easier to find in your video stores. Please view and comment below.  Also look for the specific  movies or videos that encourage and support your erotic self. Write them in. Can anybody find a video that celebrates long term marital and sexual happiness??? Thanks.


Last Tango in Paris

An Affair to Remember

American Gigolo

The Way We Were

The Lover

Henry and June

Frankie and Johnny

Mississippi Masala

Kama Sutra



  • "There's something about the way that you work. I trust you and I am getting better. People are noticing and I am not bothered by ...

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  • "This is a compliment to you. I hear your voice telling me that I don’t need to suffer anymore."

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  • "It feels good to get those things off my chest and to understand the primitive brain’s part in my emotions."

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  • "You seem to ask the right questions that get us where we need to go."    

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  • “I’m beginning to wake up. I’m working to own myself more. It might be marvelous.”

    A Client from Victoria, BC